Thursday, November 24, 2011

I said, "I want a BEER in the hot tub".

Ok, I've come up with a few alternative activities for you to do with your offspring.  Even my twisted brain would've never thought of this one........First, find yourself a Grizzly Bear cub.  This may be difficult task, but hey, if you're reading this, you are not your average bingo-playing grampa.  Use your imagination, some Jack Daniels, and some bear bait. Ok, everyone got your bear cub?  Ok, follow me on raise it in your house.  No, not in some cage, I mean IN the know, invite it to Thanksgiving Dinner, make it the best man at your wedding, you know, make it feel at home.

Now, I'm a Montana boy, so I've been accused of a lot of sick things. (Sadly, I'm proud of most of them), but a Grizzly bear?  Hey, let's see if the bear would like a beer....A bath, a beer, and a bear......Saturday night on the ranch.

I know many of you think I make this shit up.  Heck no, I'm too lazy to use photoshop, or anything else complicated.  I simply stole this from the much trusted Nat Geo site.
This is a real storyBrutus and Dumbass  click on the link and watch the birthday special......

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