Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween Fun

Shouldn't everyone be afraid of something like this?  See, it doesn't seem quite so weird at Halloween, but try this at Easter, and you're a true psycho

There's so many fun things to do with the kiddies on Halloween that would land you in jail any other time of the year.  Oh yeah, just try luring small children to your house with brightly lit decorations and promises of candy any other time of year.  Anyway, you can dress up in inappropriate costumes, tell them scary stories, make humorous drunkin, pukin pump-ko-lantern (cause nuttin is funnier than a  pukin punkin), or teach them generally unsafe behaviors like the old coot using the punkin for a boat.

This should scare the neighbors

So here's something fun to do with the little dears.  Halloween. A great time to do so many inappropriate things. 
This old coot is inflicting revenge on his children by showing how this is done to his grandchildren.  Wish I had a big punkin to use as a bad example.

This one is nice, because it teaches kids the cause and effect relationship.

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